
Always check the Bulletin Board near the park for important announcements.


Board of Directors Meeting Schedule 2024
Location: Gazebo (12630 Winfield Scott Blvd), unless posted otherwise
Time: 6:30 pm

Jan 17th ~ Mar 20th ~ May 15th ~ Jul 17th ~ Sep 18th (budget meeting also) ~ Nov 20th (Annual Homeowners Meeting also)

The Board of Directors meeting is a recurring meeting between the Association's Board of Directors and the management company to review and address Association business. All residents are invited to attend and may bring forward any questions/concerns during the "new business" part of the meeting.

Notice is hereby given of the Heritage Place II Board of Directors meeting schedule. Unless otherwise posted, meetings will take place on the third Wednesday of every other month at 6:30 pm at Heritage Place II's park gazebo (12630 Winfield Scott Blvd).
Florida Statue 720.303, section 2c 1. Notices of all board meetings must be posted in a conspicuous place in the community at least 48 hours in advance of a meeting. Section 2 (a) ...A meeting of the board of directors of an association occurs whenever a quorum of the board (two board members) gathers to conduct association business.


Rules & Guidelines
Together with the Covenants, the Heritage Place II Rules and Guidelines provide a consistent community standard for all residents. The Rules and Guidelines must be read before submitting an ARC application. Changes to the exterior home or yard are not permitted without prior ARC approval.


ARC Meetings

Unless otherwise posted on the park bulletin board, the Architectural Review Committee (ARC) meets on the 3rd Wednesday of every month at 6:30 pm at the park gazebo (12630 Winfield Scott Blvd). If this date coincides with the scheduled Board of Directors meeting, then the ARC meeting will take place immediately after.

The purpose of ARC meetings is to review ARC applications received from the management company. Please note that new applications cannot be reviewed at this meeting, they must first be submitted to the management company in accordance with the instructions on the application. Incomplete and/or improperly submitted applications will be returned and result in processing delays. To expedite the application process, be sure to read through the application instructions, Rules and Guidelines, and Article VI of the Covenants before submitting your application. Do not begin work or make any changes to your yard, lot, and/or home exterior until you receive written notice that your application has been approved.


Newsletters have gone digital!
Due to a change in terms by the publisher, the Board has opted to switch over to a digital newsletter format. New issues will be posted every other month and can be found on this website. Click here for the current issue. If you would like to have the newsletter emailed directly to you, please send a request to or logging into your Sentry account portal and opting-in to email communication.
Urgent community news will continue to be posted on our neighborhood's private site. This service is free and accessible only to residents of Heritage Place 2.


Exterior Paint Color Book - viewable online!
^The color book contains approved exterior paint schemes for Heritage Place II. If you are planning on repainting your home this will help you narrow down your options and provide information that is required on your ARC Application. This online version is for reference only, if you would like to view the actual color book please contact an ARC member or the Management Company.

Questions? Email the ARC ( or call the property manager, Julie at 407-846-6323, ext 55009.