Frequently Asked Questions

Why are there 3 phases with different associations in Heritage Place?
The original developer, American Heritage Homes, had only planned on one phase. Because the other phases were added separately and years apart, it was easier for them to just create new Associations for each instead of adding to the already established ones.

Can the 3 phases be united?
Yes. According to the bylaws, if 2/3 of the homeowners in each association approved the merger, they could be combined. Although a unified community would have advantages, it would be a challenge to collect the number of votes necessary due to factors like rented homes, disinterested owners, and language barriers.

What is the meaning behind our street names?
Heritage Place's street names are themed after the American Civil War. Our Facts section has an explanation of their meanings.

Who are my local elected officials?
Our Facts section lists local voting information and representatives. Additional information can be found at the Orange County Supervisor of Elections website.

Is our park finished?
As of 2008, the majority of our park's development was completed. In 2023, community volunteers gathered to clean up ovegrown areas, make repairs and prep for new plantings, mulch, and sod that was added in 2024.

Why are there empty lots across from the mailboxes?
Homes were never built on the lots because a county-owned drainage easement runs underneath of them, preventing the erection of any permanent structures (to allow for county access to the pipes if necessary).
American Heritage Homes originally told people buying here that this space would be a park. AH Homes was taken over by KB Homes without leaving any clear intention of what was to be done with the land or even who owned it. The land was deeded to Heritage Place Property Owners Associaton... unfortunately it did not specify which phase. Despite the location being within phase 2's legal boundary, phase 1 has assumed ownership, and phase 2, hestitant to invest in a lengthy legal dispute, decided it was in everyone's best interest not to squabble over ownership but rather to work together on developing something that the whole community could enjoy. Phase 2's Board has approached Phase 1's Board with the offer to evenly split the costs of such a project but, despite support from residents, their board has been unwilling to consider the proposal due to concerns about the cost of liability insurance for any development. As of 2021, phase 1 is looking into selling the land.

I want to make an exterior change, do I need to submit an ARC application?
Yes, according to Article V, section 1 of the Heritage Place II Declaration of Covenants: No modification, exterior addition, change, or alteration shall be made to the lot or dwelling unit unless and until the plans have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Architectural Review Committee (paraphrased). ARC Application

Who do the bylaws apply to?
Every homeowner is a "member" of the association. Florida Statute 720.305 states that: Each member and the member’s tenants, guests, and invitees, and each association, are governed by, and must comply with...the governing documents of the community, and the rules of the association.

I see bylaw violations around the neighborhood, why does it seem like nothing is being done?
The management company is contracted to enforce the covenants and bylaws. The Board of Directors is responsible for ensuring that the management company is uniformly and thoroughly addressing bylaw violations.
The process begins with the management company conducting neighborhood inspections on a monthly basis and sending notices to homeowners who are in violation of the bylaws. Often times, only one notice is required and the owner corrects the problem. Sometimes however, owners (or renters) will disregard notices and allow the problem to continue and worsen. After three notices if no correction occurs, the violation will be turned over to legal and fines will be assessed. If the owner does not pay the fines a lien will be filed against the home. The Association also may levy a special assessment to a lot that has failed to meet its maintenance obligations. After 30 days written notice to the owner, the Board shall have the right to enter upon said lot to repair, trim, clear, maintain, and restore the lot and exterior of the home. The cost of such maintenance shall be added to and become part of the assessment of that lot and shall be payable 30 days from the date said assessment is made (see Article IV, section 6c).
If you have concerns about how the current board and management company are handling violations, consider attending one of the Board meetings or becoming a Board member (a position opens every year).

Why am I getting violation notices when other homes seem to be much worse than mine?
Do not feel as if you are being unfairly targeted and do not feel threatened if you receive a notice. It is simply a way of letting residents know that there is a problem that needs to be corrected. Violation notices are a means of maintaining the integrity of the community and protecting the value of our homes. Because violation notices are privately mailed to homeowners, many residents assume that since they don't see any improvements in another home's condition then that home must not be getting notices and there must be nothing being done by the management company...which usually is not the case. As described in the previous answer, when owners refuse to comply after several notices the process is turned over to legal and the assessment of fines. If you are concerned about a home that is in violation of county codes, you can report it to Orange County Code Enforcement, just dial 3-1-1. If you wish to report an ongoing bylaw violation, contact our management company, Sentry, 407-846-6323.

Why should I be worried about solicitors?

This community has a NO SOLICITING policy clearly posted at the entrance. Although it may seem harmless, solicitation is often used as a front by criminals who are trying to gather information about you and how secure your home is. If a solicitor/stranger approaches your home, you are under no obligation to open the door and you have the right to contact the authorities regarding their actions. Some criminals operate in groups where one member will distract you with a seemingly harmless offer at the front door while the others enter your home from the rear and grab whatever they can. Another tactic solicitors use is to appear to be leaving business flyers in the front door while actually they are testing the handle to find out if the door is unlocked. Keep your doors locked at all times and do not open them for anyone that you are not expecting.

Why are there surveillance cameras?
Like most central Florida neighborhoods, Heritage Place has had its share of petty crime. Cameras were installed in 2014, and upgraded in 2022, to deter burglaries, vandalism, mischief, solicitation, trespassing and criminal activity in general. Footage recorded can be used as evidence to aid deputies and prosecute to the fullest extent of the law.

Why do people continue to park in the streets, isn't it against the bylaws?
Our bylaws prohibit parking in the streets overnight or in excess of 10 hours. Parking violators may be subject to ticketing, fines, and/or towing. All vehicles are subject to the parking restrictions set forth in our bylaws, Florida Statutes, and Orange County Code (see the next question for details). For safety reasons, residents are urged to avoid parking in the streets for any length of time. The streets were not designed to accomodate such use. Street parking could delay emergency vehicles from reaching homes, hinder buses, parcel delivery, and trash trucks, obstruct pedestrian visibility, and/or cause an accident. Our bylaws also prohibit parking on the grass, commercial vehicles, boats, trailers, RV's, trucks, and campers (unless garaged).

What other Parking Restrictions should I be aware of?
Florida Statute (316), and Orange County Code (Section 35-61 through 35-66), defines the following parking restrictions:
- No parking in areas designated as a Tow-away Zone.

- Any vehicle parked on a two-way road must be parallel to the curb, facing with the direction of authorized traffic movement, and the right wheels within 12" from the curb
- No parking on a sidewalk, in an intersection, in front of a driveway, within 30 ft of a Stop sign, and/or within 15 ft of a fire hydrant
- No parking or storing of a dual-rear-wheel vehicle in a residential community
- A vehicle may not be parked in an area of the street that is not visible from 200 feet in each direction
- No parking in the street near the mailboxes. For the safety of the mail carrier, the USPS requires a clear approach zone of 30 feet.
- No parking in any place or manner that leaves less than 20 feet of open street width for the free passage of traffic (OC code Sec. 35-61 (a).
Violations may be anonymously reported to the Orange County Sheriff's Office Non-Emergency hotline, 407-836-HELP (4357).

What if I'm having guests and they need to park in the street?
If you plan on having more guest vehicles than your driveway can accomodate, please follow these guidelines: 1) Be considerate of your neighbors, let them know that you'll be having company and do not block their driveway or park on their property, 2) Do not allow your guests' vehicle(s) to remain in the street overnight, or more than 10 hours, or they may be cited, 3) Do not park on the grass or block the sidewalks, 4) Park as close to the curb as possible and stagger vehicles with any parked on the opposite side of the street to allow unhindered passage of traffic. 5) Obey all restrictions in the previous two questions.

Can I install a window Air Conditioning unit?
No, according to the bylaws/covenants, window air conditioning units are prohibited without exception (Article VI, Section 18). Neither the ARC nor the Board of Directors have the authority to allow any modification that is expressly prohibited in the Covenants.

Can I convert my garage to an extra room?
No, according to Article VI, Section 20, No garage shall be enclosed permanently or converted to another use. Each home shall maintain an attached double garage. Heritage Place II's Rules and Guidelines further stipulate that garages shall not be altered in any manner that reduces the number of automobiles that could have reasonably been parked in the garage as originally constructed.
All garages must have overhead garage doors, which shall be maintained in a useful and operating condition.
Garage door glass inserts may not be painted, blocked, or covered with any material except for bronze window film. The use of such must be approved by the ARC and match all other windows on the front of the dwelling. Detached garages and/or carports are not permitted.

What about flags and signs?
With the exception of one commercial real estate "For Sale" sign (not to exceed four square feet), no flags or signs of any kind are permitted to be displayed on any lot or dwelling unit. This includes (but is not limited to) "for rent" signs, political signage, team flags, vendor signs, contractor yard signs, car for-sale signs, etc.
In accordance with Florida Statute 720.304 Any homeowner may display one portable, removable United States flag or official flag of the State of Florida in a respectful manner, and one portable, removable official flag, in a respectful manner, not larger than 41/2 feet by 6 feet, which represents the United States Armed Services, or a POW-MIA flag. Owners are also entitled to display a security sign provided by a contractor for security services within 10 feet of the entrance to the home.

Can I install floodlights?
ARC approval is required and it's important to observe certain restrictions regarding the use of floodlights. Aesthetically, the original design of our homes intended for lighting by architectural garage lights (2), front porch light, and rear porch light. Based on that, the ARC may decline applications for the use of floodlights on the front of homes. Our Rules & Guidelines prohibit floodlights or similar fixtures installed in such a manner which may be a nuisance to residents of neighboring properties. No glare or spillover of light can occur on neighboring properties. If approved by the ARC, any floodlight installation must be aimed downward, not outward, and the sensitivity of the motion detection should be set so that the light is not activated by normal activity (neighbor walking on their own property, pedestrians on the sidewalk, etc.). Floodlights are intended to temporarily illuminate dark areas for security purposes - statistically burglars are more likely to attempt entry during daytime hours and at the rear of the home.

House numbers are required by law to be displayed on the home and to be clearly visible from the street. If you repaint, don't forget to replace your numbers and display them in a manner consistent with the rest of the homes in the community (any changes to the original display must be approved by the ARC). Missing or obstructed house numbers may cause delivery issues, and/or delay emergency vehicles in finding your home.

I'm getting a Satellite dish, do I need to submit an ARC form?
Yes, any exterior change must be approved by the ARC. Our bylaws have specific restrictions on the placement, size and quantity of satellite dishes permitted. No one shall be permitted to install or maintain any other type of antenna, disc, mast aerial, or other tower for the purpose of audio or visual reception.

How do I get Oil Stains out of my driveway?
Recent stains are easier to remove with liquid dish soap, a scrub brush, and warm water (repeat as necessary). Stains that are more than a month old may require stronger solvents to remove. Beware of using abrasive methods like pressure washers or wire brushes on your concrete, it will erode your concrete finish and actually make it more susceptible to staining. To prevent stains consider applying a clear concrete sealer annually and/or after every pressure washer cleaning. More information about concrete and oil stains.

My home has water intrusion during heavy rain, but there are no cracks in the walls or leaks in the windows, where is the water coming from?
Though a professional inspection is recommended, one possibility is that the paint on the exterior of your home is so faded that it no longer seals the surface, thus allowing water to penetrate through the concrete block walls, and eventually seep into your home. Depending on the type of paint and number of coats used, repainting may be necessary every five to eight years. Water intrusion could also be an indication of a roof leak. Remember to submit an ARC Application and obtain approval before beginning any work on the exterior of your home.

I'm planning on repainting or modifying my home, what do I need to do?
Before you begin the project, you must submit an ARC (Architechural Review Committee) Application and await approval for any modification to the exterior of your home/property/lot. A book containing the approved color schemes for our homes is available online here. To view the book in-person please contact an ARC member. Review the Rules and Guidelines before submitting your application. DO NOT BEGIN ANY PROJECT BEFORE OBTAINING APPROVAL from the ARC. The ARC can demand that any unapproved work be corrected at your expense.

Is the outgoing Mail box safe to use?
The post office removed the original outgoing mail slots in 2004 after repeated break-ins and mail theft. We successfully petitioned for the installation of a streetlight above the boxes to deter thieves. In 2013 a dedicated outgoing mailbox was installed next to the main boxes. It is recommended that any mail containing checks or other sensitive information be dropped directly at the post office. To further reduce the chance of identity theft, pick up your mail often (do not allow it to accumulate in the box), and ask the post office to hold your mail if you plan on being away for an extended period of time.
The closest US Post Office is located at 1701 W Wetherbee Rd, their phone number is 407-855-6568.

What do our Dues go towards?
Heritage Place II's dues (also known as annual assessments) pay for the maintenance and administration of the community. This includes things like mowing, lighting and watering of the common areas, taxes, postage, management company fees, lawyers fees, liability insurance, community events, emergency reserves, security patrols, and future improvements. Our dues have remained nearly constant since 2000, they are among the lowest in our area, and our homeowners have never been charged additional assesments. This is an indication of good budgeting and financial asset management. Our dues increased slightly in 2007 and 2020 to cover the rising costs of vendor services and utilities, park maintenance, security, and the loss of revenue resulting from non-payment/delinquent homeowner accounts.

What is the Garbage pick-up schedule?

Wednesday - Garbage (Green Lid) Thursday - Yard Waste Thursday - Recycling (Blue Lid)

Garbage, yard waste, and recycling containers may be placed at the curb after 6:00 p.m. the night before but no later than 6:00 a.m. on your collection day. Remove emptied containers from the curb within the same day as collection. Waste and/or containers may not be left out at any other times. Garbage containers, trash, and yard waste are required to be stored out-of-sight from the street on non-collection days, either at the rear of the dwelling unit or in the garage. More Information/Collection FAQs

Do I have to Recycle?

Yes, recycling is mandatory in Orange County. Garbage and Recycling collection became automated in 2016, meaning that only the county issued roll carts (containers) will be emptied by trucks with compatible collection hoists. Homes were issued special roll carts in 2015. If you do not have one, contact the Solid Waste Hotline at 407-836-6601, or request bins by email . Never place hazardous waste or non-recyclable items in the recycling bin and do not put your recyclables in plastic bags.

What if my trash does not fit in the bin?
Large items are collected on Thursdays and may be placed near the curb for pickup on collection day only. Remember to leave at least 3' of clearance around your recycling roll cart (also collected on Thursday) to allow the truck's automatic arms to access it. Trash left near or on your roll cart may prevent collection. If you're disposing of appliances, electronics, or furniture, please consider donation before sending it to the landfill. Many local charities like AmVets, Mustard Seed, Goodwill, Salvation Army, or Habitat for Humanity accept donations and in some cases will even pick it up. If it's in good condition you can also use our community site to sell or giveaway items

Why did the trash truck skip my bin?
The trucks use an automated system to pick-up and empty each roll cart. Three feet of clearance is required on all sides (and above) of your roll cart. In addition, the arrows on the lid must be pointing towards the street. Make sure your cart is placed at least 3' away from parked cars, other carts, and low-hanging tree limbs. Inspectors also may have flagged your container if it contains certain items (i.e. hazardous waste, non-recyclables). If your yard waste was not collected, it was either overweight, oversized, or not bundled properly. Visit the County's Collection site for more information.

What are my Watering days?
Orange County has mandatory watering restrictions for lawn irrigation systems. Watering is limited to ONE day a week from Nov. 3 - Mar. 9, and TWO days-a-week the rest of the year. Even-numbered addresses may water on Thursday and Sunday. Odd-numbered addresses may water on Wednesday and Saturday. The county prohibits watering between 10am and 4pm on any day. Set each zone for less than 30 minutes (overwatering can lead to fungal disease and retard root development). Visit the Orange County Water Division site for more information. For tips on maximizing the effectiveness of your irrigation system click here.

Why is the Grass around the Lake sometimes allowed to grow so high?
The grass around the lake is owned by Orange County and they are responsible for its maintenance. They sometimes fall behind with the mowing, especially during high growth seasons. Tall grass can be dangerous and provide hiding places for snakes and alligators. Residents are encouraged to report the condition to the county by calling 3-1-1. The more calls they receive, the sooner they will likely address the problem.

Are there Alligators in our lake?
Welcome to Florida. Always assume that any body of water in our region contains alligators. Do not allow children or pets to walk along the water's edge and always keep your pets leashed (county ordinance). Never feed or harass the alligators (this is a violation of Florida Law), if you witness this behavior report it at 1-888-404-3922. If you see an alligator over 4 feet, call 352-732-1225.

I found a Snake in my yard, is it poisonous?
There are four venomous species of snakes in central Florida and over thirty non-venomous, beneficial species that may look similar. Non-venomous snakes play an important role in the ecosystem and actually help control the population of small rodents, frogs, and lizards in your yard. Some non-venomous snakes even eat venomous snakes! Before giving a snake the "shovel-treatment", check this handy webpage to determine what you may have:
If you suspect that you may have been bitten by a venomous snake, call 9-1-1 immediately and follow these Bite Response instructions.

Negligent pet owners... what can be done about dog waste, unleashed dogs, or suspected abuse?
These are all serious issues and they are regulated by Orange County Codes and Ordinances.
Dog Waste:
Owners are required by law to pick up after their dogs.
No Leash:
All dogs must be leashed when not on the owner's property.
Chaining Restrictions:
Dogs are not to be left chained outside between the hours of 9am and 5pm and must always have access to food, water, shelter and ventilation.
Also, all pets are required to receive annual rabies vaccinations. If you witness any violations, note the details and Report it to Code Enforcement by dialing 3-1-1. Orange Co. Animal Services webpage, Chaining Restrictions details.

Disclaimer: State, County laws, and the Heritage Place II Declaration of Covenants take legal precedence over any information contained above and/or anywhere else on this website. This site's content is intended purely for reference and is not legally binding. It may contain information which is outdated, incomplete, erroneous, and/or paraphrased. Neither Heritage Place II HOA, its Management Company, the Board of Directors, Committee Members, Webmaster, nor any other affiliates shall be held legally responsible for the content of and its links.